Hybrid 2 (2023) 3d printed and handbuilt stoneware
These sculptures continue my experiments with ceramic 3d printing as I bring together rapid prototyping of digital models with hand built components and finishes in stoneware. They are based on a digital 3d model I sculpted after the pigs in my film Hybrid: an Interspecies Opera who are genetically engineered as organ donors. These sculptural pigs play with tropes from pottery and build physically on the animations I produced of speculative future pigs, based on conversations with scientists, predicting the directions the pig is evolving into, with human intervention. They are built from interchangeable component parts embodying the cut and paste ambitions of contemporary genetic engieneering.
Hybrid 5 (2023), 3d printed and handbuilt stoneware, cobalt
Hybrid 3 (2023), 3d printed and handbuilt stoneware
Hybrid 4 (2023), 3d printed and handbuilt stoneware
Hybrid 6 (2023), 3d printed and handbuilt stoneware
Hybrid 1 (2023), 3d printed and handbuilt stoneware