Netlingua - Concept

Brief Overview

Network Structure:
Virtual Internal Representation
Virtual Language Community


Python Source Code




The Concept: Brief Overview

Netlingua is designed for an open field in the public sphere. It is a network consisting of six nodes, each with a particular environmental sensor (ie. wind direction, wind speed, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and light), a memory, a unique voice, and access to add to or draw from a shared global lexicon. The work itself is an experiment in language evolution as a complex adaptive system which is integrally bound to and derived from environmental input and interaction between individuals.
Initially the nodes are each blank slates; they have no knowledge about the world and no expressions to describe it. The process begins as each node senses its environment through its specific sensor and creates a word to describe this concrete experience. The word is vocalized, becoming part of the shared global lexicon, and the first seeds of an invented community language are planted.

As time passes, each node develops its own complex web of sensory impressions. As senses repeat they are recognized, and time relations emerge linking instances of a particular impression. After a period of sensing, the nodes enter a period of reflection. They look back at their recent experiences and contemplate what stands out as interesting or what is the dominant trend in relation to the whole of their existence. They create and vocalize terms for these time-based relationships and associate similar instances of experience as general concepts in memory. This is important because they do not simply view their lives as a list of experiences and times, rather they have a general picture of their life as a connection of various memory concepts and associations. They speak words representing these concepts to one another, creating a community memory that transcends the individual and allows a more complex picture of the world. Their language grows as a dialog develops.

With the progression of time and sensory experience, memory and ideas grow increasingly complex, and their shared language evolves, integral to their conceptual growth. Not only do they reflect on the past, they also begin to look for patterns and connections between concepts in the community knowledge. They begin to form meta-relations, abstractions from reality that exist only as language dependent creations. As they experience, reflect, ponder, and create, they vocalize everything. The individual growth of each node occurs by and through the invention and evolution of the networks' shared language.



Networks: Physical



Networks: Virtual Internal Representation


Networks: Virtual Language Community




Flowchart: Collecting memories, naming experiences



Python Source

My i2c module, written in python, allows the OOPic microcontrollers to communicate with a PC in Master mode. This module would be helpful to anyone attempting direct i2c device / computer communication, and especially helpful to anyone attempting OOPic / computer communication.


